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CASEE Kick-off Meeting
MédiaCASEE-Conference “The EU Strategy for the Danube region – with specific emphasis on Land and Water Management and the Environment”
April 28th – 29th, 2011, St. Istvan University. Gödöllö. Hungary

Draft programme:

9:30 - 10 am: Welcome and registration
10 – 11 am Keynote presentation on the EU strategy for the Danube region (invited speaker: either EU Commissioner Dr. Johannes Hahn or Dr. Erhard Busek, former Austrian vice-chancelor and minister of science and president of the Institute for the Danube and Central Europe, consultant to Commissioner Hahn).
11 – 12 am: Keynote presentation on the point of view from the Hungarian EU Presidency

12 – 14 pm: Lunch with poster presentations: thesis presentations from PhD students and suggestions for projects from CASEE members; all related to land and water management and the environment (during the lunch break, all participants can walk through the poster exhibition and have a look at all the posters and talk to the presenters and discuss already potential projects.)

13:30 – 15:00 pm: Presentations on running / suggested projects concerning Land and Water Management and the environment in the CASEE countries (CASEE members are invited to submit abstracts for these presentations by September 15th, 2010)

15:00 – 15:30 pm: Coffee break

15:30 – 17:00 pm: Start of the workshop to discuss project ideas in the area of education, research and structural projects (3 parallel workshops)

18:30 pm: Conference dinner

9 – 11 am: Continuation of the workshop to discuss project ideas in the area of education, research and structural projects (3 parallel workshops)
11:00 – 11:45 am: Presentation of Workshop results

12 – 1:30 pm: Lunch (poster tour can be continued)

1:30 – 3:00 pm: CASEE General Assembly (a detailed agenda will be sent out well in advance, but it will e.g. include: Information on CASEE activities, new members, fund for incentives; presentation from the ICA secretary General etc.)

You are invited to submit an abstract for a paper / poster presentation at the conference by September 15th, 2010 to the CASEE Secretary General ( Your proposal can address already existing or planned educational, research or structural projects in the area of Land and Water Management and the environment.
Instructions to the potential speakers / poster presenters

All staff members from CASEE universities are invited to submit an abstract for a paper presentation related to Land and Water Management and the Environment at the conference by September 15th, 2010.

All PhD students from CASEE universities are invited to submit an abstract for a poster presentation of their thesis topic related to Land and Water Management and the Environment by September 15th, 2010.

Instructions for preparation of abstracts
- All papers selected will be published on the CASEE website; all posters selected will be printed.
- Abstracts and papers/posters must be written in English.
- Abstracts should contain the aim of the paper/poster, essential results and a brief conclusion. If only abstracts are submitted, the authors are advised not to make them too short (1500 characters, including spaces) or too general.
- Not more than five keywords should be given, separated by commas.
• Authors (full names and surnames of all authors, without titles) and their address should be indicated. E-mail should be added to the full address only for the contact person.
• Keywords should be written below the Abstract.
• Abstracts should not contain tables, graphs, drawings, etc.
Files with abstracts should bear the author's surname (e.g. smith) and should be sent September 15th, 2010 to the CASEE Secretary General (
Dátum: 2010. August 08. Sunday, 21:59 Szerző: realzoldek
Kapcsolódó linkek
· Cikk keresés: Média
· Írta: realzoldek

A legolvasottabb cikk ebben a rovatban: Média:
Zátonyra futott a Dunán Visegrádnál, és Pilismarótnál, magyar vizeken, két német

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Átlagolt érték: 0
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